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Showing posts from April, 2015

PHP Zend Framework: PHP Framework of Your Choice!

PHP enjoys compatibility with diverse frameworks. One of them is Zend web application framework for developers of PHP5. Zend Framework is object-oriented, open source framework for web applications. It's object oriented property bestows it with the advantage of code usability. PHP Zend framework is based on PHP5, follows MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern and a library of components for absolute implementation while coding. MVC is a programming architecture used by most PHP frameworks.  Useful Features in PHP Zend Framework There are a number of features that make PHP Zend Framework a compatible and strong framework ---   Being object-oriented, Zend framework utilizes concepts of inheritance and interfaces. It's components are extendable too to a certain limit.   PHP Zend framework can be integrated with other libraries by generating a wrapping class.   Components, from a wide range of classes, can be customized depending on their functionality. They can be